Influencer Marketing

Should You Use an Influencer Marketing Agency or Manage it In-House?


nfluencer marketing is no longer a nice-to-have in any brand's marketing strategy. However, whether to manage influencer campaigns in-house or outsource them remains a contentious decision for many brands. This article explores the benefits and drawbacks of both approaches, offering insights into how platforms like Crafted can streamline the transition to in-house operations.

Understanding the Basics of Influencer Marketing

Before delving into the pros and cons of each approach, it's crucial to understand what influencer marketing entails. At its core, influencer marketing involves partnering with social media personalities or thought leaders to promote products, services, or brand messages. The effectiveness of this strategy lies in the influencers' ability to reach and engage specific audiences that traditional advertising might not.

Pros of Outsourcing Influencer Marketing

  • Relationships: Agencies specialize in influencer marketing and often have established relationships with a wide range of influencers. This can be particularly beneficial for brands that are new to this arena, as it helps them tap into well-curated influencer networks they wouldn't otherwise be able to reach.
  • Low lift: Outsourcing can be less demanding in terms of resources for companies without the existing infrastructure or personnel to manage influencer campaigns. Agencies handle the end-to-end management of these campaigns, which can save time and reduce the burden on internal teams.
  • Expertise: Working with agencies usually means tapping into the breadth and depth of knowledge and expertise gained from working a number of different clients.

Cons of Outsourcing Influencer Marketing to an Agency

  • Higher Costs: While agencies bring expertise and larger , they also come with higher costs. Outsourcing is much more expensive than managing campaigns internally, because of high agency fees and personnel costs.
  • Less Control: When outsourcing, brands may feel they have less control over the selection of influencers and the execution of campaigns. This can lead to potential mismatches between the influencers’ presentation and the brand’s identity or values.
  • Communication Barriers: Working with an agency means more layers of communication, which can sometimes result in delays or miscommunications. Decision-making can become prolonged and complex, with more stakeholders involved in each step.

What a typical influencer tracker may look like from an agency

Bringing Influencer Marketing In-House with Crafted

Crafted provides a unique solution that bridges the gap between in-house management and outsourcing by offering tools and support that allow brands to take charge of their influencer campaigns while minimizing the drawbacks typically associated with going it alone.

  • Creative Ownership: Crafted empowers brands to own the creative direction by assisting in drafting campaign briefs and approving creators and content. This approach ensures that brands maintain control over the messaging and alignment with their values without overwhelming their internal resources.
  • Streamlined Operations: With Crafted, brands don’t need to worry about outreach, negotiation, or tracking campaign metrics. Crafted handles these aspects, providing the benefits of an agency’s support without the extensive overhead.
  • Expert Guidance and Network Access: Even while managing campaigns internally, brands can access Crafted’s expertise and established creator networks, ensuring high-quality influencer partnerships.
  • Transparency and Reporting: Crafted offers visualized dashboards that allow brands to track the status and performance of their campaigns easily, presenting all necessary data to stakeholders transparently and efficiently.
  • Cost Efficiency: By reducing the need for external agency involvement, Crafted helps lower overall marketing costs, providing a cost-effective solution that doesn’t compromise on quality or impact.

What running an influencer campaign via Crafted looks like

Working with both Agencies and Crafted

If you are already working with an agency or you plan to, leveraging both in partnership may offer the strongest solution. Agencies and Crafted offer complementary strengths that can significantly enhance a brand's influencer marketing strategy. Agencies excel at crafting your entire marketing strategy, setting the creative vision, and establishing your brand's unique identity. They bring holistic expertise in strategic planning and branding, ensuring your campaigns align perfectly with your overall business objectives.

On the other hand, Crafted specializes in executing that creative vision with precision and efficiency. Our platform enables brands to produce high volumes of influencer content quickly, with minimal friction, and at a lower cost. By streamlining the process of finding, vetting, and managing influencers, Crafted ensures that your campaigns are not only effective but also scalable and cost-efficient.

Together, agencies and Crafted provide a powerful combination: agencies define and direct the strategy, while Crafted delivers the content needed to bring that strategy to life, driving engagement and growth.


Deciding between managing influencer marketing in-house or outsourcing depends on several factors, including the brand’s marketing strategy, resource availability, and desired level of control. Platforms like Crafted offer a middle ground by providing the tools and support needed to manage influencer marketing effectively in-house, offering a blend of autonomy, cost efficiency, and expert guidance. As the digital landscape evolves, the flexibility to adapt marketing strategies becomes crucial, and understanding these dynamics can significantly enhance a brand’s engagement and influence in the market.

Are you considering bringing your influencer marketing in-house or wondering how to optimize your outsourcing strategy? Connect with us to learn more about how Crafted can streamline your influencer campaigns, ensuring efficiency and alignment with your brand’s values.

Jul 22, 2024
Influencer Marketing

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