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Bloom Nutrition: A Phenomenal Brand Success Story

With a 120% CAGR between 2021 and 2023, Bloom reported $170 million in revenue in 2023, showcasing rapid scalability and strong community engagement. Leveraging UGC, influencer collaborations, and social media platforms like TikTok, Bloom has transcended financial success to become a cultural phenomenon. The brand embodies a lifestyle embraced by health-conscious consumers seeking accessible and impactful wellness solutions.

The Future of UGC Marketing — Quality is Back in Style

Consumer content preferences are shifting. What once was incredibly effective is now declining, as higher quality video content is eclipsing the lo-fi content that currently clogs our feeds. Read more about Crafted's take on the trend, the decline of traditional UGC, the essential role of UGC in modern marketing, and how Crafted is committed to helping brands achieve their goals with automated campaign management, a dedicated outreach team, and comprehensive metrics reporting.



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