Influencer Marketing

Cracking The Code: A Guide To Crafting an Effective Video UGC or Influencer Brief


e’ve seen hundreds of ad briefs from clients across industries at Crafted. We’ve analyzed them all — identifying patterns and measuring video quality output. Through this process, we’ve decoded the secret behind crafting the best ad brief that yields exceptional results, generating quality UGC ad creative that converts. And we’re sharing our secrets! Follow these steps to crafting winning video ad creative briefs to ensure creators are aligned to create scroll-stopping, clear, and authentic content that drives engagement and sales.

Understanding the Basics: Why a Good Brief Matters

A well-crafted creative brief is the cornerstone of any successful video ad campaign. It ensures that creators have a clear understanding of your brand, the campaign objectives, and the specifics of the content they need to produce. The goal is to provide enough information to inspire and guide creators without stifling their creativity. Here’s how to do it. If you don't have time to read through this whole article, download our free brief template.

1. Start with a Strong Campaign Name

Your campaign name should be descriptive yet concise, giving creators an immediate sense of what the project is about. It should encapsulate the essence of the campaign, making it easy to reference and remember.


  • Campaign Name: “Quiet Europe Trip Vibes with [Brand Name]”

2. Provide a Clear Brand Background

Creators need to understand your brand to produce authentic content. Provide a brief from the client that includes your brand’s history, mission, and values. Highlight what makes your brand unique.


  • Brand Background: “[Brand Name] is dedicated to delivering eco-friendly, high-quality products that enhance your daily life. Our mission is to inspire sustainable living and promote environmental consciousness through innovative solutions.”

3. Define Your Campaign Objective

Specify what you aim to achieve with this campaign. Whether it’s increasing brand awareness, driving sales, or launching a new product, a clear objective helps creators tailor their content to meet your goals.


  • Campaign Objective: “Increase awareness and drive sales for our new eco-friendly water bottle line through engaging and informative video content.”

4. Detail the Product Information

Provide a link to your product and list its unique selling points (USPs). This section should highlight the features and benefits that you want the creators to emphasize in their content.


  • Product: [Product Link]
  • Unique Selling Points:
    • Made from 100% recycled materials
    • Keeps beverages cold for 24 hours and hot for 12 hours
    • Available in multiple colors and sizes

5. Identify Your Target Audience

Knowing who you want to reach is crucial. Outline your target audience’s demographics and any specific audience segments you are focusing on.


  • Audiences: Environmentally conscious consumers, fitness enthusiasts
  • Demographics: Ages 18-35, predominantly urban dwellers, middle to high income

6. Clarify Your Brand Positioning

Explain how you want your brand to be perceived. Are you a luxury brand, a budget-friendly option, or something else? This positioning should be reflected in the content creators produce.


  • Brand Positioning: “Premium quality and sustainability. Our products are designed for those who seek both luxury and environmental responsibility.”

7. Set Clear Video Instructions

Outline the technical specifications and conceptual guidelines for the video content. This section includes format requirements, video length, and any specific creative directions.


  • Specs: 1080p resolution, 15-30 seconds duration
  • Concept: Showcase the product in everyday use, highlighting its USPs and integrating elements of sustainability.

8. Outline Do’s and Don’ts

Provide a list of what to include and what to avoid in the content. This helps maintain brand consistency and ensures that the content aligns with your brand values and messaging.


  • Do’s:
    • Show the product in use
    • Highlight eco-friendly features
    • Use natural lighting and authentic settings
  • Don’ts:
    • Avoid false claims about the product
    • Do not use offensive language or imagery
    • Avoid overly staged or artificial scenes

9. Include Example Videos

Share examples of high-performing videos from competitive brands or previous successful campaigns. These creative brief examples serve as inspiration and a benchmark for quality.


  • Example Videos:
    • Example 1: [Link]
    • Example 2: [Link]
    • Example 3: [Link]
    • Example 4: [Link]

10. Add Visual References

Visual references such as product images and brand logos help creators understand your aesthetic preferences and maintain visual consistency across all content.


  • Product Image: [Image Link]
  • Brand Logo: [Logo Link]

Putting It All Together

Now that we’ve outlined the key components of a successful video ad brief, let’s see how it all comes together in a cohesive and comprehensive document. Below is a sample creative brief you can use for your next campaign.


Campaign Name: Summer Vibes with [Brand Name]

Brand Background:
[Brand Name] is dedicated to delivering eco-friendly, high-quality products that enhance your daily life. Our mission is to inspire sustainable living and promote environmental consciousness through innovative solutions.

Campaign Objective:
Increase awareness and drive sales for our new eco-friendly water bottle line through engaging and informative video content.

[Product Link]
Unique Selling Points:

  • Made from 100% recycled materials
  • Keeps beverages cold for 24 hours and hot for 12 hours
  • Available in multiple colors and sizes

Target Audience:
Audiences: Environmentally conscious consumers, fitness enthusiasts
Demographics: Ages 18-35, predominantly urban dwellers, middle to high income

Brand Positioning:
Premium quality and sustainability. Our products are designed for those who seek both luxury and environmental responsibility.

Video Instructions:
Specs: 1080p resolution, 15-30 seconds duration
Concept: Showcase the product in everyday use, highlighting its USPs and integrating elements of sustainability.


  • Show the product in use
  • Highlight eco-friendly features
  • Use natural lighting and authentic settings


  • Avoid false claims about the product
  • Do not use offensive language or imagery
  • Avoid overly staged or artificial scenes

Example Videos:

  • Example 1: [Link]
  • Example 2: [Link]
  • Example 3: [Link]
  • Example 4: [Link]

Visual References:
Product Image: [Image Link]
Brand Logo: [Logo Link]


Crafting a well-structured video ad brief is crucial for ensuring that your campaign is successful and that the content created aligns with your brand’s goals and values. By following the steps outlined in this guide and using our sample design brief, you can provide creators with the guidance they need to produce high-quality, engaging video content that drives results. Remember, the key to a great brief is clarity, precision, and inspiration. Happy briefing!

Jul 14, 2024
Influencer Marketing

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