
A Practical Guide to Launching Your Video Ads Strategy in 2024


avigating the world of video advertising can seem daunting, especially when the landscape is constantly evolving. This guide is tailored to our customers—especially those who are just stepping into the digital realm—to help you build and launch a successful video ads strategy. From understanding your target audience to leveraging the power of different platforms, we've got you covered. And if you're wondering about a professional touch, Crafted is always here to help.

How should I use video ads? 

Video advertising offers an array of opportunities, and depending on where you stand with your brand's journey, there are two core use cases to consider: experimentation and scaling.

1. Experimentation: This is the initial phase, perfect for those just dipping their toes into video marketing. At this stage, you might still be piecing together the puzzle of your target audience. Who are they? What age groups or demographics do they belong to? What are their interests, attitudes, and behaviors? Video ads can be a powerful tool in this exploratory phase. By running a variety of ads and closely monitoring engagement metrics, you can start to get a clearer picture of the type of person who resonates with your brand or product.

2. Scaling: Once you've gotten the hang of who your audience is and have a well-defined portrait of them, it's time to magnify your efforts. Scaling doesn't simply mean spending more but spending smarter. With a good understanding of your target audience, your video ads can be tailored, targeted, and optimized to reach the right people with the right message, maximizing your return on investment.

Remember, whether you're in the experimentation or scaling phase, the goal remains consistent: connecting with your audience in a meaningful way. 


Now that we've shed light on the core use cases of video ads, let's zoom in on experimentation – a critical stepping stone before scaling. Experimentation is your playground, the space where you discover what resonates with your audience and what doesn't. It’s where you can dip your toes, test the waters, and gain invaluable insights to inform your broader video ad strategy. Dive in with us as we unravel the art and science of experimenting with video ads.

Setting the Stage for Video Ad Experimentation

Before jumping headlong into video advertising, it's wise to come prepared with the right gear. Think of this as your essential toolkit or your pre-adventure checklist.

- Market Insights: Begin by understanding your market landscape, including everything about your category and the competition. This gives you a clearer vision of potential demographics to target.

- Pinpoint the Problem: Ask the critical question: What pain point are you easing for your customer? Maybe you're offering a solution they didn't even know they needed, or perhaps you're elevating their everyday experience in some way.

- Platform Basics: Each social media platform is its own unique universe. While TikTok might burst with youthful energy, Instagram carries a more polished magazine-like aesthetic. Knowing the general demographics and tone of each platform helps in crafting apt content.

- Video Ad Anatomy: Familiarize yourself with the structure of a compelling video ad. From grabbing attention with a 'hook' to directing action with a 'CTA', each module plays a crucial role. We will dig into this more later in the guide.

- Digital Presence: If you haven't already, set up your brand’s social media page and website. This establishes credibility and provides a platform for feedback.

- Open-mindedness: Sometimes, the path of experimentation is full of surprises. Your initial target audience might evolve based on real-world responses, so be ready for revelations!

Reading the Experiment's Pulse: Key Metrics & Methodologies

In the world of video ad experimentation, it's essential to know how to measure success. Think of these metrics as the heartbeat of your campaign; they give you insights into what's resonating with viewers.

Crafting the Perfect Experiment: Heard of A/B testing? If not, imagine offering two ice cream flavors for a taste test. You present chocolate and vanilla, noting which one gets more love. In the realm of ads, it’s a tad more sophisticated, but the principle is the same. You run two versions of an ad, slightly tweaking a single element, and observe which one gets a warmer reception.

Control vs. Variable: This is where the rubber meets the road. Choose a particular variable to tweak - it could be the ad's visual theme, its soundtrack, or even the platform you're posting on. The trick is to keep every other factor consistent, ensuring you're really measuring the impact of your chosen variable.

Early Signals: When you're just dipping your toes into video advertising, keep a keen eye on engagement metrics. These include likes, comments, shares, and especially the click-through rate (CTR). While views tell you the audience size, engagement metrics paint a picture of audience interest. A higher CTR, for instance, signifies that your content isn't just being watched—it's compelling viewers to take action. It's these early signs of resonance that can guide your fine-tuning as you continue to experiment.

Choosing Your Variables for Experimentation

Embarking on the experimentation journey, it's pivotal to understand the various elements at play. These elements or variables will shape the contours of your tests and ultimately determine the resonance of your ads. Broadly, some common variables you can test are: 1) the marketing channels that perform best; 2) the demographics of the audience you're targeting; and 3) the creative elements that constitute your ad. Each holds its unique importance and can drastically influence your campaign's outcomes. Let's delve deeper and explore these facets one by one.

Navigating the Marketing Channels for Video Ads

Selecting the right platform for your ad campaign is akin to choosing the right stage for a performance. Different platforms cater to distinct audiences, each with its flavor of engagement.

TikTok: What began as a stage for snappy dance routines has morphed into a robust platform for advertisers. Consider this: 3 out of 4 TikTok users actively influence household purchasing decisions directly through the app. This offers brands a rare opportunity to engage directly with decision-makers. Plus, the platform's collaboration-centric ethos enables brands to team up with creators, the beating heart behind many of TikTok’s viral sensations.

YouTube Shorts: Boasting a whopping 50 billion daily views, YouTube Shorts is more than just a platform; it's a phenomenon. Brands can now select content packages tailored to their audience, ensuring ads appear alongside not just popular but contextually relevant short videos.

Instagram Reels and Stories: With 2 billion monthly users, Instagram's video arsenal is formidable. Stories, fleeting 24-hour glimpses, provide a unique canvas for brands, perfect for flash sales or behind-the-scenes content. Meanwhile, Reels integrate seamlessly into the user's scroll, creating opportunities for deeper engagement and compelling narratives.

Facebook Reels: It's not just about sharing memories on Facebook anymore. Native videos on the platform have a reach that's 10x more than shared YouTube links. Given that Facebook native videos also receive 478% more shares compared to other platforms, the advertising potential is undeniable.

As you venture across these platforms, consistency is key. Ensure that sample sizes, budgets, and campaign durations remain uniform across channels. This ensures a level playing field, helping you identify which platform resonates best with your audience. To learn more about how to launch ads on each of these platforms, visit here

Demographics: Targeting the Right Audience

At the core of any successful advertising strategy lies a deep understanding of who you're speaking to. Demographics are more than just numbers and statistics; they’re a window into the lifestyles, preferences, and behaviors of your potential customers.

Broad Testing: When starting with video ads, it's advisable to cast a wide net. This means running campaigns that target a broad demographic, which can reveal surprising insights about who genuinely interacts with your content. These early interactions can shed light on age groups, geographical regions, or other demographic facets you might not have initially considered.

Zooming In: Once you have a grasp of the broader interactions, it's time to zero in. Maybe your product resonates with urban millennials or perhaps suburban parents in their 40s. By adjusting your targeting to these specific groups and monitoring the engagement metrics, you can refine your creative and maximize the impact of your ads.

Continual Learning: The world of demographics isn't static. As cultural trends shift and new cohorts come into the spotlight (think Gen Z or Alpha), your demographic targeting will need to evolve. Keeping a pulse on these shifts ensures your video ads remain relevant and effective.

Crafting the Perfect Ad: Creative Elements 101

No matter how well you've understood your marketing channels or honed in on your target demographics, it's the content of your video ad that will seal the deal. Here's a breakdown of the vital components of an effective video ad:

1. Hook: Think of the opening seconds of your video as the cover of a book. You've got mere moments to intrigue your viewer. Dramatic effects, animations, and bold offers can make a lasting first impression. For instance, starting with a relatable statement like “Life hacks I wish I knew sooner” can immediately capture attention.

2. Pain Point: It's essential to tap into the very problem your product or service solves. Agitate that problem from the hook and position your product as the perfect solution. This method cultivates a genuine connection and need in the viewer.

3. Product Demo: This is your chance to let the viewer picture life with your product in it. From unboxings to showcasing daily routines that incorporate the product, you offer a glimpse into what’s possible. Keep them hooked, eagerly anticipating what comes next.

4. Product Result: Highlighting product results lets you present the tangible advantages of your offering. Focus on standout features and their real-world applications. Show how your product alleviates the pain point you earlier highlighted.

5. Social Proof: Nothing boosts credibility like genuine testimonials or endorsements. Incorporate reviews, customer stories, or influencer shout-outs. These validate your product's worth in the eyes of potential buyers.

6. Guarantees/Offers: Everyone loves a good deal. If you can, highlight any special offers, discounts, or guarantees associated with your product. It might be the nudge a viewer needs to take action.

7. CTA: Lastly, be crystal clear about what you want your viewer to do next. Whether it's visiting your website, availing a discount, or simply learning more, your Call To Action should be direct and compelling.

To test ad creatives, you can mix and match different creative elements for different versions of your video creative. Maybe today's hook paired with tomorrow's product demo forms a compelling narrative? Perhaps blending a particular pain point with a specific call-to-action triggers higher conversions? It's like having a box of ad 'building blocks'; the combinations you can test are nearly endless, and it's this experimentation that helps discern what truly resonates with your audience.

Aside from these building blocks, you may also want to consider testing other video components like cinematic style and video length. Let’s start with cinematic style. Not all ads need to follow the same visual format. User-generated content, characterized by its authentic feel, can strike a chord with many viewers, while animated content offers creative freedom unmatched by any live-action counterpart. Video length is another critical variable. While the general guideline hovers around the 60-second mark, there’s a growing trend favoring even shorter snippets. These bite-sized clips are tailored for today's viewers known for their brief attention spans. Testing various durations can offer insights into the optimal video length for engagement.

Having explored the use case of experimentation, we've equipped you with the tools to test, learn, and refine your video ad strategies. But experimentation is just one half of the dynamic duo. Remember when we mentioned that there are two core use cases for video ads? Having tinkered with your ad elements and found what resonates, it's time to zoom out and shift gears. 


Enter the second linchpin of the video advertising world: scaling. Scaling takes those golden nuggets from your experiments and amplifies them to a larger audience. Ready to take your proven strategies and cast them across a broader net? Let's dive in.

Laying the Groundwork: Prerequisites for Scaling Success

As we pivot towards the expansive journey of scaling, it's crucial not to overlook some foundational blocks that will determine our success. Think of them as the bedrock upon which you'll build your scaling skyscraper.

- Optimized Website or Landing Page with Tracking: Your website or landing page is your digital storefront, the place where most intrigued viewers from your video ads will land. It's essential that this space isn't just aesthetically pleasing but also packed with functionalities like tracking tools. Tools like Google Analytics or Facebook Pixel can be invaluable, letting you monitor visitor actions and refine the user journey.

- Understanding of Your LTV/AOV and Customer Retention: The world of business is riddled with acronyms, but few are as pivotal as LTV (Lifetime Value) and AOV (Average Order Value). They offer insights into the value each customer represents, guiding how much you might spend on acquiring them. Alongside this, knowing your customer retention rates can illuminate whether your offerings are resonating in the long haul.

- Solid Supply Chain: Scaling is exciting; it promises more visibility, more sales. But it's essential to ensure the back-end of your business can handle this growth. A robust supply chain, ample inventory, and a responsive customer service team are integral to meet the demands of a scaling campaign.

As you set the stage with the foundational elements for scaling, it's time to shift our lens to the navigational tools that will guide this journey - the metrics. While experimenting had us tuned into the initial reactions and interests of our audience, scaling demands a deeper, more granular focus. Metrics, in the context of scaling, become our compass, showing us if we're on the right path or if adjustments are needed. Let's dive into which numbers and data points deserve our keenest attention as we amplify our reach.

Deciphering Key Metrics in Scaling

As we venture deeper into the world of scaling, there's a constellation of metrics you must familiarize yourself with. These aren't just numbers, but essential guides that can either mark success or highlight areas for improvement.

- Return on Ad Spend (ROAS): A paramount figure that denotes the revenue earned for each dollar you allocate towards advertising. It's a simple equation: revenue divided by the ad spend. A ROAS of $1 means you're merely breaking even. The higher this number, the better your returns.

- Conversion Rate (CVR): CVR presents the percentage of users who take the desired action after clicking on your ad. In simpler terms, it's the ratio of users who converted to the number of users who clicked. A higher conversion rate implies that your ad and landing page are doing their job effectively.

- Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC): This metric provides insight into how efficiently your marketing dollars are working. It’s calculated by dividing your total marketing spend by the number of new customers acquired. Essentially, it tells you the cost of acquiring each new customer.

- Cost per Mille (CPM): Rather than focusing on actions, CPM revolves around visibility. It indicates the cost you bear for a thousand impressions or views of your ad. While it's more about the reach, monitoring CPM ensures you're not overpaying for visibility.

- Clickthrough Rate (CTR): An essential gauge of how enticing your ad is, CTR is calculated by dividing the number of clicks your ad receives by its impressions. A stellar CTR indicates your ad content is resonating and compelling enough for viewers to take action.

Navigating the world of metrics and understanding statistical significance is just the tip of the iceberg. While these components ensure we're on the right track, it's essential to understand that consumers journey through various stages before converting. Each stage presents its own unique challenges and opportunities. So, how do we ensure we're not just attracting potential customers but also nudging them gently through every stage? It's time to turn our focus to optimizing across the different stages of the funnel, ensuring that our efforts resonate every step of the way.

Navigating the Sales Funnel: Strategies for Efficient Scaling

Every marketer knows the importance of the sales funnel, that sequence of steps a customer goes through from first becoming aware of your brand to eventually making a purchase. But when it comes to scaling, understanding and optimizing this funnel is incredibly important.

Start simple. Instead of juggling multiple sales channels, choose just one to focus on. Whether it's your website, Amazon, or another platform, zeroing in on a single channel can give you clearer insights into how your video ad strategy impacts conversions.

Each stage of the funnel has its nuances, challenges, and opportunities. Let's journey through each of these stages, unpacking specific tips and tricks to maximize your video ad's effectiveness at every turn.

Upper Funnel: Awareness Building

At the top of the funnel, the objective is to cast a wide net and build awareness. Here, your Call to Action (CTA) is likely to be softer, such as “Learn More” or “Sign up for our email list.” This is the stage where you introduce potential customers to the problem you're addressing. It's about piquing interest and drawing them into your narrative.

Mid Funnel: Encouraging Trials

Once you've captured their attention, it's time to push for engagement. In the mid-funnel, CTAs tend to shift towards actionable steps like “Try Now.” In the digital realm, this trial can manifest in multiple ways. It might be sampling programs like Ibotta or Aisle, or perhaps offering product demos to give potential users a taste of what you're offering.

Additionally, this stage introduces the concept of Retargeting. Retargeting is like a friendly nudge from a brand. Brands can serve you relevant ads based on sites you’ve previously visited before or content you’ve previously engaged with. It's a smart way for businesses to connect with potential customers who've already shown some interest. The goal? Re-engage and propel them further down the funnel. Another tactic you can utilize here is Lookalike Audiences. These are invaluable segmentation tools on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok that allow you to target customers whose interests and demographics mirror those of your existing followers or customers.

Lower Funnel: Driving Conversion

The lower funnel is the crucial stage where potential customers stand on the threshold of becoming actual buyers. Here, the messaging is focused, direct, and designed to persuade. Your CTAs tend to be urgent, such as “Buy Now” or “Get 15% off if you buy today”. The aim is clear – seal the deal.

But beyond compelling CTAs, it's essential to reinforce your message using content that resonates with viewers on a personal level using User Generated Content (UGC). Including authentic customer reviews, photos, or video testimonials can dramatically amplify your message. Why? Because they present real-life validation of your product or service. There's an innate trustworthiness to UGC – it's raw, unfiltered, and relatable. These testimonials work as tangible evidence, showcasing the benefits or transformation your product promises. By integrating such content, you not only add credibility to your offering but also address any lingering reservations or doubts a potential buyer might have, making them more inclined to convert.

Retention: Cultivating Loyalty

But the journey doesn't end once a sale is made. The retention phase focuses on re-engaging existing customers, pulling them back for repeat business. This can be done through methods like connecting via a social media page, sending personalized email newsletters, or through audience segmentation and personalization in your ads. Building trust through your videos, showcasing testimonials, or highlighting the longevity and quality of your product or service can also go a long way in ensuring that your customers stick around for the long haul.

As we wrap up our deep dive into scaling, it's essential to recognize that mastering the art of scaling video ads is a continuous journey. But here's a key insight that often gets overlooked: the law of diminishing returns on ad spend. Imagine you're picking apples from a tree. At first, you'll easily grab the apples hanging low. But as you reach for the higher branches, it takes more effort for fewer apples. Similarly, when you ramp up your ad spend, your efficiency can decline. The initial boosts in conversion you observed from your first ad dollars might not hold as you spend more. It's simply because you've captured the easily reachable audience—the "low hanging fruit"—and every additional dollar might yield fewer conversions. Scaling is not just about increasing spend; it's about magnifying impact.

This doesn't mean you've reached the end of the road. Once you notice saturation within one demographic, it might be time to circle back to our experimentation stage. There, you can explore new demographics, tweak your ad creatives, and discover new avenues for growth. In essence, the journey of scaling is cyclic—grow, observe, adjust, and then grow again.

Mastering Short-Form Videos: Quick Tips to Shine

Having navigated through the depths of experimentation and scaling, we’ll provide you with some tips and tricks to creating short-form videos. No matter how strategically you position your video or how well-targeted your audience is, if the video content isn't up to par, it can fall flat.

- Good Lighting: Even the most captivating story can be overshadowed by poor lighting. Ensure that the subject of your video is well-lit, highlighting key aspects and details.

- Good Audio Quality: Clear, crisp sound can make all the difference, allowing your message to be heard without distraction.

- Context/Background: The backdrop or environment you shoot in needs to be captivating or clean, enhancing the essence of your video. For food & beverage, aesthetic backsplashes and clean kitchen countertops will do the trick.

- Good Camera Quality: A high-resolution video not only appears professional but also makes for a visually appealing experience.

- Enthusiasm from the Creator: An enthusiastic presenter or protagonist can captivate an audience, drawing them into the narrative.

- Appealing 'Money' Shots: These are the showstoppers – the visuals that leave a lasting impression and resonate most with viewers. For food & beverage, this is likely centered around the dish or recipe in the video, think “cheese pull”.

- Descriptive Language: Especially for food and beverage products, using evocative and vivid language can make viewers almost taste and smell what you're showcasing.

- Flow: Ensure there's a cohesive and logical sequence in your video that keeps viewers engaged and curious.

With these core principles in place, you’re better equipped to create short-form videos that don’t just attract attention, but also retain it.

Video campaigns have revolutionized the way brands connect with their audience. From the nascent stages of experimentation to the expansive realm of scaling, short-form videos offer a plethora of opportunities for brands to resonate, engage, and convert. But success lies not just in the medium but in the meticulous crafting of each campaign. For those eager to harness the magic of video ads, remember: every detail counts. And if you're looking to elevate your video marketing game, Crafted is here for you. If you are interested, book a demo and let's embark on this transformative journey together.

Oct 31, 2023

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