The Benefits of User Generated Content (UGC) In Your Marketing Campaigns


GC or User-Generated Content has become increasingly relevant in the food and beverage industry in today’s Internet savvy consumer base. Video content on short-form platforms like TikTok, Instagram Reels, and YouTube Shorts, reveal that a staggering 86% of Millennials believe that UGC serves as a reliable indicator of a brand or product's quality, according to M2 Technology Group. The benefits of UGC include increased brand authenticity, organic reach, and customer engagement. However, it's also important to consider the potential challenges and limitations of relying solely on UGC, such as lack of control over content quality and potential legal issues. UGC can be a powerful tool for food and beverage brands if used correctly.

How UGC Benefits Brands, Pros Of UGC

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User-Generated Content (UGC) offers a host of advantages for emerging food and beverage brands:


UGC thrives on the genuine enthusiasm of everyday individuals. This allows it to be a source of fresh, original content that resonates with authenticity.

Time And Money

By harnessing UGC, brands can save valuable time and financial resources. Most costs in marketing are obsolete when UGC is a top marketing tactic. The people who are using your products and services are also the ones actively sharing it.

Honest Opinions

UGC emanates from real experiences and honest opinions. It carries an inherent level of honesty and trustworthiness that resonates with consumers. According to, 86% of consumers say authenticity is important when deciding what brands they like and support

Easily Accessible

UGC capitalizes on the access of modern day technology. Today, anyone can contribute content that can boost your business. The barrier to entry is remarkably low, enabling broader participation and growth.

In a world where authenticity matters, UGC has emerged as a treasure trove of user-generated insights, perspectives, and creativity. It not only speaks to the heart of the food experience but also empowers businesses more effectively. With the simplicity of a smartphone, anyone can become an integral part of your brand's growth story.

The Difficulties Of UGC Brands, Cons Of UGC

User-Generated Content (UGC) undeniably has its advantages, but it can have a few imperfections as well:

How UGC Can Affect Brand Marketing

While UGC can be a valuable resource, it's not without its challenges. One significant drawback is that it can take more effort from consumers. Unlike traditional marketing where the brand controls content creation, UGC relies on users to willingly contribute. This reliance on consumer motivation can be unpredictable.

Consumer Driven

UGC demands time and patience. Encouraging users to create content, sifting through submissions, and obtaining permissions can be a time-consuming process. Unlike brand-produced content, which adheres to set schedules, UGC's timelines can be more unpredictable.

Permission Requirements

Regardless of the path taken, a brand must always be given permission before reposting or using content from others. Asking permission can introduce complexities and legal considerations. Brands need to be meticulous in obtaining consent and ensuring they adhere to copyright and privacy laws.

In essence, while UGC offers a wealth of benefits, it also brings certain cons. These cons include the effort required from users, the time investment, and the need to navigate permission and legalities. Understanding these drawbacks is crucial for any brand considering the incorporation of UGC into their marketing strategy.

Who Uses UGC And Why It Benefits Consumers and Brands

User-Generated Content has transformed the way we connect with brands, and when it comes to its creators and users, Millennials and Gen Z lead the charge. These digitally savvy generations are not just consumers but enthusiastic content creators. Let’s dive into some key aspects of why it benefits consumers and brands.

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Millennials and Gen Z, The Pioneers of UGC

In the realm of UGC, Millennials and Gen Z reign supreme. Their lives are intricately woven into the digital fabric, and they actively contribute to the vast ocean of content found online. These generations are not merely content consumers; they are creators, documenting their lives, experiences, and opinions on a wide array of platforms. This transformation of everyday individuals into content generators has ushered in a new era of authenticity.

A Compelling Narrative

When it comes to UGC, video content is king, and its influence on consumer decisions is profound. Whether it's product reviews, vlogs, or short, engaging clips, UGC video possesses the unique power to captivate and inform. It bridges the gap between the brand and its consumers, creating a more intimate connection. This personal touch fosters trust, credibility, and engagement, giving consumers a relatable perspective.

Word-of-Mouth Recommendations Reimagined

Consumers value the recommendations and experiences of those they know and trust. A Stackla survey reported that, "On average, 60% of consumers say content from a friend or family member influences their purchase decisions." UGC, especially in video form, transforms this dynamic into a powerful marketing tool. It's like word-of-mouth recommendations on a grand scale, reaching not only friends and family but vast online communities.

To conclude, the evolution of UGC, primarily through video content, is driven by the content creators of the digital age – Gen Z. This new era of authentic content benefits both consumers, who find relatable experiences and recommendations, and brands, which can tap into this trust to build stronger connections and grow their customer base.

User-Generated Content (UGC) vs. Influencer Marketing: Weighing the Pros and Cons

When it comes to harnessing the power of user-generated content (UGC) in your marketing strategy, there's a lot to consider. Let's explore the pros and cons of using UGC in organic social versus influencer marketing:


While UGC is authentic, it can be less predictable. You're relying on the enthusiasm of users, and the quality and consistency can vary. also states that “Nearly 52 percent of people say they post on social media at least once a month about products they’ve purchased.” This is not a frequent number if consistency and reliability were important aspects of   Navigating legalities, permissions, and content curation can also be time-consuming.

Customer Relationship

UGC in organic social media allows you to establish a more direct and personal connection with your customers. By encouraging them to create content related to your brand, you foster a sense of community and engagement. It's like inviting friends over for a cozy dinner – there's an authentic, warm connection.

Differences in Strategies

UGC can take various forms in organic social media, such as affiliates sharing their love for your products, running contests to spark creativity, or promoting your brand through special promotions. Influencer marketing, on the other hand, often involves paying influencers to endorse your products. While influencers can reach a larger audience, organic social UGC cultivates a deeper, more committed fan base.


Organic social UGC can be a cost-effective strategy. It relies on the enthusiasm of your customers and fans to create content voluntarily, reducing your marketing expenses. Influencer marketing, however, typically involves budget allocations for influencer fees and collaborations. With UGC, brands have an unlimited pool of potential content creators – your loyal customers.

Understanding Your Customer Better

Organic social UGC provides valuable insights into your customers' preferences, behaviors, and feedback. By studying their content and interactions, you gain a deeper understanding of your audience. It's like having a heartfelt conversation over a meal, where you truly get to know each other. According to, “76 percent of people say they would share a positive food or beverage experience on social media and how it ties into organic social, free advertising.”

Creating True Fans

The personal touch of organic social UGC can lead to the creation of true brand enthusiasts. When customers become content creators and advocates for your brand, they're more likely to develop a lasting, loyal connection. It's akin to turning casual acquaintances into close friends who are always eager to share in your food adventures.

In summary, both organic social UGC and influencer marketing have their merits and drawbacks. The choice ultimately depends on your brand's goals, budget, and the kind of relationship you wish to cultivate with your audience. With UGC, Crafted is here to help you come up with the flavors and experiences that help grow your food and beverage brand.

Organic Social vs. Paid Social User-Generated Content (UGC)

When considering user-generated content (UGC) in your social media strategy, it's crucial to weigh the pros and cons of organic and paid approaches. Each has its own unique qualities and potential benefits.


Organic social UGC is driven by customers sharing their experiences voluntarily. It's an authentic and genuine approach, but it can lack structure as it relies on user motivation. Paid social UGC, on the other hand, offers more control and structure, where you can define specific goals and content requirements.


Organic social UGC might vary in quality and frequency, as it relies on user willingness. Paid social UGC ensures consistency, allowing brands to plan and execute campaigns with more predictability.


Organic social UGC can be limited by the number of customers who contribute willingly. Paid social UGC can be scaled according to your budget and objectives, reaching a broader audience.

Faster Data and Testing

Paid social UGC provides more immediate data and testing opportunities. You can quickly gather insights and adjust your strategy to optimize results. Organic social UGC may require more patience for substantial data collection.


Organic social UGC can be less predictable due to its reliance on customer participation. Paid social UGC offers a degree of predictability since you can set specific goals and expectations.

In essence, the choice between organic and paid social UGC depends on your brand's goals, resources, and the level of control you desire. Organic social offers authenticity and community-driven content, while paid social provides structure, scalability, and predictability. A combination of both approaches can also be a powerful strategy, allowing you to harness the best of both worlds for your food and beverage brand's growth.

Maximizing Marketing through UGC Video on a Low Budget

Leveraging User-Generated Content (UGC) video doesn't always have to be an expensive venture. In fact, many times, you can find this valuable content online without breaking the bank. Here are some strategies to make the most of UGC video on a budget:

Online UGC Discovery

One of the most cost-effective ways to access UGC video content is by searching online, using relevant hashtags, or uncovering content where your brand is tagged or mentioned. This approach allows you to tap into the content that's already out there and harness it for your marketing strategy.

Enhancing Brand Awareness

UGC video is a dynamic tool to elevate your brand's visibility. When users create content around your products or services, it amplifies your presence without significant financial investment. It's like having an army of passionate brand ambassadors working tirelessly to spread the word about your offerings.

Your Customer as the Ultimate Brand Ambassador

Your most valuable brand ambassador isn't a celebrity or influencer; it's your customer. UGC video embodies the genuine enthusiasm and experiences of real people who love your brand. This authenticity holds an unparalleled appeal and trust-building power.

Keywords and SEO

Utilizing UGC video can enhance your search engine optimization (SEO) efforts. Incorporating user-generated content with relevant keywords into your website and marketing materials can improve your online presence, attracting a broader audience.

Saving Time and Resources

According to the State of UGC 2021 Report, 72.2% of all marketers report having more responsibilities than ever before. They are constantly seeking innovative ways to save time and resources. UGC video allows you to outsource content creation to your customers, thus freeing up your team for other vital tasks.

In essence, UGC video is a versatile and budget-friendly tool to enhance your marketing strategy. It takes advantage of content already available online, making your customers the ultimate brand ambassadors and contributing to brand awareness. Additionally, the incorporation of UGC video, with targeted keywords, can boost your SEO efforts, making it a savvy choice for brands looking to maximize marketing impact without a hefty financial commitment.

UGC in Action, Examples and Case Studies

User-Generated Content (UGC) has the potential to be a game-changer for food and beverage brands, and the proof is in the pudding – or in this case, the case studies. Let's delve into the impact of UGC through real-life examples:

Sugar Factory – The Instagram Star

The Sugar Factory, with its sweet and visually striking menu items, has become one of the most Instagrammed restaurants in America. “ Pretty much every single table will have their camera out because they see something they think is fantastic.” Tom Recine, a partner at Sugar Factory, acknowledges that patrons consistently pull out their cameras, captivated by the photogenic nature of the offerings. This is a testament to how UGC can be a catalyst for turning every customer into a content creator. When people see something that they find fantastic, like Sugar Factory's whimsical creations, they naturally want to share it with their social circles. UGC becomes a no-pressure way for customers to advertise for brands, spreading the word organically.

Spotify Wrapped Campaign

Spotify's Wrapped campaign is a prime example of how UGC can be harnessed to create a cultural phenomenon. By allowing users to share their personal music statistics, Spotify sparked a wave of sharing and engagement. This user-generated content turned into a global conversation, with millions of people eagerly posting their Wrapped results on social media. The campaign not only boosted Spotify's brand awareness but also gave a sense of belonging to users who proudly showcased their music tastes. This highlights how a well-executed UGC campaign can turn customers into enthusiastic brand advocates.


The outcomes of these UGC-driven campaigns are evident in the increased brand awareness, user engagement, and community building. These cases highlight how UGC content can turn customers into enthusiastic advocates, creating a domino effect that amplifies a brand's presence and appeal. To explore more case studies and gain insights into the incredible impact of UGC, you can visit our resources.

In essence, these case studies serve as a testament to the transformative power of UGC in the food and beverage industry. They show that customers can become your most effective brand ambassadors, sharing their experiences and creating authentic, engaging content that extends the reach of your brand.

We’re Still Human, Why UGC Creates Emotional Bonds Between Brands And Consumers

User-Generated Content (UGC) has a remarkable ability to forge genuine, emotional connections between brands and consumers. Here's why it happens and why it matters:

Why UGC Works, Five Senses

UGC is, at its core, a reflection of our five senses. The human experience is profoundly shaped by our five senses – sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch. When it comes to food paired with UGC, these senses are instrumental in forming our perceptions, emotions, and overall enjoyment. Let's explore how each sense influences our food experiences:


The adage "we eat with our eyes" rings true. Visual appeal sparks anticipation and desire. Colorful, well-plated dishes not only look enticing but also foster positive expectations, enriching the dining experience. Presentation, garnishes, and the ambiance of the dining setting all contribute to our food perception. UGC puts this experience into something tangible and intimate as we experience the visual experience in real time.


Auditory sensations also play a role in our culinary journeys. The satisfying crunch of a crispy potato chip or the sizzle of food on a grill evoke feelings of freshness and indulgence. The restaurant's ambiance, with its background music and clinking cutlery, adds to the overall sensory experience.


Taste stands as the cornerstone of food enjoyment. Our taste buds detect the fundamental flavors of sweet, salty, sour, bitter, and umami. The synergy among these tastes in a dish, along with the interplay of flavors, crafts intricate and gratifying culinary experiences. This is why we relish the sweetness of chocolate, the saltiness of French fries, or the umami-rich broth of a well-crafted ramen.

Connecting Through Experiences

These senses aren't isolated; they collaborate to shape a holistic food experience. A beautifully presented dish with appealing colors, the sizzle of a steak on the grill, the texture and aroma of each bite, all allow us to get deeper into a sensory journey that enhances our appreciation of food. A great UGC experience touches on these very senses, in order to create a bond with the food and brand that enabled it in the first place. This is what allows people to truly trust UGC. According to the Nielsen Consumer Trust Index, a whopping 92% of consumers trust organic, user-generated content more than they trust traditional advertising. This would not be possible without UGC creators coming up with intimate, close connecting visual experiences.

All of these sensations ultimately create emotional connections for us about the food and how we experienced it. Food becomes an art form, a source of comfort, and a catalyst for shared moments and memories. This is all thanks to our remarkable senses. When consumers share their authentic moments with a brand, it resonates on a profoundly human level. People connect with other people, not faceless corporations. UGC provides a window into real-life reactions and personal narratives. It's like sharing a meal with a friend and hearing their enthusiastic review – it feels real, sincere, and relatable.

Conclusion: The Benefits of UGC

In conclusion, UGC is not just a marketing strategy; it's a culinary adventure that brings people together, fosters trust, and sparks excitement. It's akin to sharing a delicious meal at a table, fostering connections, and crafting memories. Just as we savor flavors and share stories around the dinner table, UGC brings authenticity and human connection to the forefront of brand marketing.

The benefits of UGC for food and beverage brands are profound. It offers builds trust while creating lasting impressions. By creating consumer driven campaigns, brands can amplify engagement to foster new communities that people feel they can easily become a part of. UGC magnifies what it means to have authentic appeal as an influential force while being cheaper and more effective in the long run.

As you explore the world of UGC, consider using Crafted's services for UGC solutions – a gateway to enhancing your brand's connection with its audience and crafting a memorable culinary experience. Join us on this flavorful journey, where every bite and every story becomes a part of your brand's unique identity that is here to stay.

Oct 20, 2023

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